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Modernized Chiropractic Scope Language in New York State

Codifying our expertise in conservative care (non-drug, non-surgery, health and wellness services) is the path to a more secure future.

The New York State Chiropractic Association and the New York Chiropractic Council have jointly submitted Scope Modernization language to NYS State Legislature (A4150|S6047). 

Click here to review the draft

How else can you get involved?

Join your State Association
Support your PAC

Becoming a member of your State Association is an important step in unifying the voice of Chiropractic in New York State. Collectively, we can more effectively accomplish our goals of promoting, advancing, and defending the rights of our profession and our patients. Take full advantage of this opportunity to affect the future of your profession by becoming an active member. Let YOUR voice be heard!

The New York Chiropractic Political Action Committee (NYCPAC) and the ChiroPurpose PAC of New York (C-PAC) are intended to help elect state legislators who are willing to analyze health care treatment and financing issues on the merits. NYCPAC and C-PAC provide us with a great opportunity to support candidates and legislators willing to study the issues independent of preconceived notions. Make a one-time contribution or set up recurring donations.

 What Scope Modernization Means for You

  1. Clarify your ability to diagnose.  The current ability of NY Chiropractors to provide a diagnosis rests in the interpretations rendered by the State Education Department. (Ask our chiropractic brothers in Texas why this could be problematic) 
  2. Perform physical exams for non-patients. This includes scoliosis screenings, sports screening exams, pre-employment physicals, DOT physicals, FAA exams, and many other types of examinations which would fall within the Scope of Practice of a chiropractor.
  3. Treat extremity complaints. Treatment of extremities without the need to relate it back to the spine opens a huge arena of practice and revenue.
  4. Use of modern diagnostic imaging tools, including electrodiagnostic testing. A modernized scope could allow chiropractors to sit for fellowships in radiology and partner in radiology groups.

All of the above help to elevate the practice of Chiropractic in New York State.  We appreciate the enthusiasm the profession has shared for this undertaking and look forward to your continued support as this process moves forward towards a modernized scope of practice and a brighter future for the Chiropractic profession in New York.

Get Involved; The Time is NOW