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Earn continuing education credits from the comfort or your office

In addition to CE available at our statewide conventions, the NYSCA now offers continuing education credit via webinar through Northeast College of Health Sciences Post-Grad. NYSCA Webinars are held monthly, usually on a Wednesday at 1pm EST. 

Tuition Discount

Association Members are eligible to receive a discount on tuition for NYSCA-sponsored webinars via coupon code at registration check-out. Please be sure to check your email for the discount code, which is included for all NYSCA members. You must have your discount code BEFORE registering. Please note, once you register, the discount code cannot be applied retroactively. Contact the NYSCA Administrative Office at 518-785-6346 for more information.

Treatment Guidelines, Documentation and Coding Compliance: 
Workers' Compensation and Beyond (part 1)

Presented by: Robert Martin, DC
February 19, 2025 | 1pm-2pm (1CE)

In this course, the presenter will discuss the documentation and management of acute and subacute care in the NYS Workers’ Compensation system. We will also discuss recording and tracking objective functional measures and utilizing these for creating treatment plans, goals, and meaningful response to care.

Register Online

Treatment Guidelines, Documentation and Coding Compliance: 
Workers' Compensation and Beyond (part 2)

Presented by: Robert Martin, DC
April 16, 2025 | 1pm-2pm (1CE)

In this course, the presenter will discuss the documentation and management of exacerbations and maintenance/supportive care in the NYS Workers’ Compensation system. We will also have an overview of common denials (C8.1 and C8.4) for conservative chiropractic management of spine related complaints and instruct participants on what to do when receiving inadequate denials or no response from the insurance carrier.

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Medicare Advantage: Understanding the Complexities
and Documentation Requirements

Presented by: Robin Stein, DC
May 28, 2025 | 1pm-2pm (1CE)

In this course, participants will be help to better understand the complexities of the Medicare Advantage patient, including the nuances of Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB), Managed Medicaid, and Online Resources to best prepare your office. Participants will also be instructed on how to properly document and code for treatment rendered to Medicare Advantage patients.

Online Registration Coming Soon

2025 HIPAA Overview: How They Catch You and What They Do

Presented by: Dr. Ty Talcott, CHPSE - Dr. Ty the Compliance Guy
June 25, 2025 | 1pm-2pm (1CE)

We are in the profession of prevention, so, we understand how much easier it is to prevent problems than deal with consequences! So, what must be done to prevent compliance investigations or audits? How do you know if what you are doing is enough? This webinar will be structured so that you can make decisions regarding your office needs to protect your hard earned practice. 

Key protections you will master:

  • How to know if your HIPAA program is adequate.
  • What needs to be done to prevent a Ransomware attack that can close your office and get you fined by the government for a HIPAA violation. This is the greatest NEW threat to chiropractors (there will be a video interview with a small chiropractic practice owner, shown at this event, regarding their experience with a Ransomware attack)
  • How a simple mistake can turn into a federal investigation
  • Why patient HIPAA complaints (and disgruntled employee complaints) have increased over 500% over the past few years, resulting in a massive increase in fines, etc.
  • Risk Analysis and ISAR's - Washington DC states if you don't have these you have no HIPAA program AT ALL and therefore face probable minimum ‘willful neglect fines’ of $71,000 to 1.5 million!

P.S. Due to increased cyber threats and the proliferation of compliance enforcement resulting in fines and penalties against physicians, the NYSCA is offering this to help educate and protect association members.

Online Registration Coming Soon

Registration Deadline

Attendees MUST be registered and paid via credit card or check by 3:00 pm, one week before the course is to take place, to avoid additional fees. All unpaid/ late registrations and at door registrations are subject to the following non-refundable fees: add $5 (1 hr webinars), $10 (2hr webinars). Learn more: Northeast College Continuing Education Policy 

Policy Statement

The NYSCA makes every attempt to offer programs as publicized. We nevertheless reserve the right to alter and/or adjust program details, including but not limited to dates, locations, times, instructors, and presentation sources and sequences.

License Renewal

Continuing education credit (CE) is provided by Northeast College of Health Sciences.

These seminars are valid for CE credits in "pre-approved" states, so long as they falls within the scope of practice as outlined by the corresponding state board. It remains attendees' responsibility to contact the state board(s) from which they seek continuing education credits for purposes of ensuring said board(s) approves both the delivery method and content as they relate to this event. Neither a speaker's or exhibitor's presence at said event, nor product mention or display, shall in any way constitute Northeast College endorsement. Northeast College's role is strictly limited to processing, submitting, and archiving program documents on behalf of course sponsors.